Planning for this Year...

I have recently been planning out our next year- as I'm sure so many of you have.  One thing that I wanted to get more done of last year and didn't were our art, handicrafts music, and more liberal education and skills. 

I often find these things get pushed aside as we fervently work to check off those boxes that are full of academic assignments.  I found this to happen more and more last year as my son entered 3rd grade and quickly approached 4th.  We began adopting more of a Classical Christian Education than Charlotte Mason persay and I almost found myself a "slave" to the system of what HAD to be covered.  Over the summer I have prayed and worried and prayed some more over our new "style" of education and what was lacking.
I concluded that I MISSED the Charlotte Mason approach!  I missed the outdoor time, the relaxing nature studies, the art and music study.  Those liberal arts that have always spoken to my own heart!  I am not as strong at dotting my i's and crossing my t's!  I loved the idea of my children getting the solid classical education but missed the love and enjoyment we shared while learning using the CM method!  What was a mom to do? :) 

I don't know if I was so wrapped up in "getting it just right" or if I had lost my way but I prayed and prayed.  I then accidentally (of course the Lord was involved - there aren't any accidents!)  met a woman via a yahoo group.  I had contacted her about purchasing her used IEW curriculum.  We ended up passing emails about our children and our homeschools back and forth all day!  Something she emailed me stood out, "Why do you have to do one or the other?  Why not combine the best of both?"  Of course!  I began our homeschool journey as an eclectic CM educator- why didn't I see this before?  I thanked the Lord for bringing what was obvious to light! 

It will certainly mean much more planning for me but - haven't I always had to spend more time planning than my friends who ordered the "curriculum in a box" from BJU or A Beka in the past?   Would it really be so much more work than an eclectic CM education?  No!  Suddenly I felt this overwhelming sense of relief!  I stopped worrying and leaned on the Lord for my answers and my entire body seemed to relax! 

I tend to be hard headed :) and the Lord has to just about knock me over with my answers!  Then I feel humbled- with all that is going on in the world, that the Lord takes time to answer MY prayers!  My humble little prayers about such things as curriculum and writing programs while there are those in the midst of war and suffering!  But, alas, I am a child of God and the Lord takes care of ALL of his children,

Psalms 145:18-
The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.
Thank you, Lord for hearing my prayers and leading me in the direction of YOUR will!
Job 23:13 -
 "But he is in one mind, and who can turn him? and what his soul desireth, even that he doeth."

I will soon be posting my choices and decisions for this upcoming school year 2011/2012.  I chose several different curriculum to take from and used the combination of what I love about Charlotte Mason and the liberal arts and the order and solid foundation obtained from the grammar stage my children are in using a Classical Christian education.  I hope some of it helps others who are praying and making decisions as we fast approach a new and exciting year of educating and loving our children! 

They are such incredible blessings and thanks to those homeschooling pioneers before us we are so blessed to have the opportunity to be at home and provide them with the education that's important to our beliefs!  Praise God for this wonderful season in our lives! 
More to come as I finalize our decisions for this year! 
Love and Blessings!


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