As my son has become a bit older I was blessed to read "The Well Trained Mind" by Jessie Wise and Susan Wise Bauer. I felt a connection to the thoughts of these amazing ladies and began attempting to merge both styles of education (TWTM being more of a Classical style).
It has not been easy and I have struggled with curriculum choices. In a recent post I discussed this and have decided to merge what I love about each style into a curriculum that works best for my family.
In his book, "Home Schooling: The Right Choice : An Academic, Historical, Practical, and Legal Perspective", Christopher Klicka discusses delight centered learning and the biblical call for it. I HIGHLY recommend this book if you've not read it. I found quite a bit of peace in the entire book but in particular the chapter about delight directed education. This is very different from unschooling.
With this information in my heart I have begun to compile lessons in the same eclectic style I used with Charlotte Mason. I want my children to have the grammar stage foundation as prescribed by a Classical Christian education but I also want them to have a "wide and varied" education as directed by Miss Charlotte Mason. My desire to use all of their senses and learning modalities plays a role in my decisions as well.
Although it is more work to gather the materials and plans I know it will be the best educational fit for my children. The Lord calls us to instruct faithfully, "She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." (Proverbs 31:26) and work diligently, "She watches over the affairs of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness." (Proverbs 31:27), "She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks." (Proverbs 31:17).Chronological List of Jim Weisse Audio
As I write and organize our lesson plans and pull together resources, I thought I would share them. I have found so many Godly women online who have graciously shared their hard work and "discoveries" and I want to do the same. They have saved me time and efforts so my prayer is that someone else might find use out of the links, resources, and schedules I put together here.
I am including a list of resources and links that I located for use with SWB's "The Story of the World" Volume 1. I pray you will find some or all of them to be as helpful as I have! These are general resources to start but I will be posting our schedules as we go for History as well as Music, Science/Nature Study, Literature, and Art.
I pray you and your family are blessed by the Lord's presence in your homeschool today!

Some General Resources for "The Story of the World" that I have found helpful. Most of these are for Volume 1 but there are some that are for the other volumes as well.
FREE!! Story of the World Volume I Planning & Workbook Pages created by Kay Barre - 2 days/week format- why recreated the wheel? :) This was such a blessing to me! Many thanks to the author!
Sonlight Book List organized into the Trivium Stages as recommended by "The Well Trained Mind"
FREE! Timeline to use for SOTW or any history curriculum. I also use this with my children to add authors, musicians, composers, artists, and scientists!
Great printable card game created by a homeschooling mom for use with SOTW Volume 1 and posted to her blog The Chronicle of the Earth. She also has many other resources for SOTW Volume 1 and 2 available.
Historical Movies & Documentaries for SOTW Volume 1 listed by the mom mentioned above. PLEASE review first for appropriate content for your family and children. I have not reviewed all of these and every family has different views and levels of appropriateness.
Book lists to complement SOTW by Chapter from mom above.