Monday, April 11, 2011

Keepers of the Faith & Contenders for the Faith

A learning to bake a lasagna
Cooking & Baking with my girls...

For several reasons, I have been focusing on reducing the amount of processed foods and chemicals that my family is exposed to.  In doing so, I'm so blessed to enjoy such lovely time cooking and baking with my girls.  We're having fun with the trials and errors (Dad isn't enjoying the errors so much :)) and most importantly loving each other and the extra time together.

I've had "Keepers of the Home" from Keepers of the Faith for my daughters for about a year but with homeschooling, our hectic schedules, and life in general, we've been a bit "hit or miss" about it. Our new focus on natural and organic foods and cleaners is giving me the opportunity to involve them and work through the KOH program as an added bonus.

B enjoying our lasagna

I thought I'd share our HITS with you :) maybe laugh over some of the misses and blog about how we are accomplishing or failing at using our KOH series! :)  If you've not heard of KOH or KOF, you may want to hop over to their website.  I also purchased the "Contenders for the Faith" book for my son.  It's such a blessing!  

The Keepers of the Faith series provides an organized collection of  life skills and habits that are important to the spiritual growth of our kids and providing much needed life skills at the same time.  Too many children miss out on these things and this a fun and productive way to pass on knowledge to our children.
To have a clearer picture of what skills are taught through these two books, the company has a skills index you might want to peruse. 

One of the first skills the girls and I are working on is baking and cooking.  What a blessing to be working towards a new, healthier eating style for our family together with my daughters!  We have what I considered healthy habits in general but after my daughter, B , recently had a seizure, I have become more focused on cooking and baking from whole foods and purchasing less processed and "put together" grocery items. 

Cake we made for C's birthday
It is more time consuming but it's time consumed with my girls!  We are spending time in each others company; I'm providing training on necessary skills for them at an early age; they're learning a life long skill to enjoy and use to provide for others; and of course, working towards thier Baking Pin. :)   By the way, these motivating little pins cost a whopping $2.50! :)  It's an economical way to reward them for hard work! 

Two of our first very succesful baking attempts were Fresh Zucchini Muffins and a Whole Wheat Bread.  Not only did the girls and I find them delicious, but Dad and brother did as well!  A & B were blushing with pride and excitement as they watched the "boys" devour thier hard work!  Instilling this godly confidence in them was a rewarding and touching experience! 

Here are the two recipes we used.  I'm hoping to continue blogging about our amazing experiences and sharing recipes, craft ideas, and what does and doesn't work! 


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