Friday, August 22, 2008

What's the Story Morning Glory?!?

What's the Story Morning Glory?!?

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.

3 John 1:4 (NIV)

What a GLORIOUS scripture to start off the homeschooling morning! As I took a moment to walk through our garden this morning ~ I thought I'd share what things are doing. When I came inside with camera in tow - I found this scripture awaiting me from one of my daily devotions and I thought I'd share it with all of you as I share our photos from this morning.

I planned on starting off this morning by laughing at myself! :) Those wonderous "bean plant" photos I've been blogging about -- that my DD grew from seed? Well~~~ ha ha~~~

Evidently - these are NOT beans! lol - as I stated in an earlier blog post - there is something to be said for being more organized next year and labeling our seeds! Turns out - as you can obviously see - her wonderous bean plant is actually morning glories! This was a NICE suprise - however - I think we're more excited to have morning glories! They are just simply beautiful - a true spectacle every morning of the work of the Creator. I can clearly see them from my kitchen window so as I clean breakfast dishes every morning I have a gorgeous vine to look at!

The rest of the garden is slowly dwindling in the cooler weather we are having. It's always a fun time of year with school starting. Fall has always been my FAVORITE time of year - I LOVE the cooler yet not too cold weather - the pumpkins, apples, parties, and cider! After having my own flower gardens for the first time this year, however, I feel a bit saddened that I'm going to lose my beautiful flowers (especially my roses) for some months. Although - being my favorite time of year - I know it is a season and everything has a season-

Ecclesiastes 3
Everything Has Its Time

1Everything on earth
has its own time
and its own season.
2There is a time
for birth and death,
planting and reaping,

And I'm sure I'll quickly remember why Fall is my personal favorite!! Here is a short collage of a few of the garden flowers I photographed this morning

So enjoy your time with your children, the last remnants of your summer gardens - take as much Outdoor Hour time as you can while we still have such gorgeous weather... we will be doing as much school time outside as possible - from reading to nature study!

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